Why Spanish Translation Services Are Sought in Health and Entrepreneur Sectors

Why Spanish Translation Services Are Sought in Health and Entrepreneur Sectors

Beth Worthy


In the United States today; the prevalence of Spanish speaking individuals is growing exponentially with around 30% of those living in the United States speaking Spanish as their native language.  With nearly 1/3 of the United States population unable to communicate in English and around 70% of the United States population unable to effectively communicate in Spanish; there is a major language barrier in this country that has provided a significant divide in the country.

This divide has created a need for professional translation services in the United States and those in the health and business sectors particularly have found their need for professional translation experts is becoming dire to their success. With the assistance of professional translation services; this exponential need to bridge the gap between Spanish and non-Spanish speaking individuals can be filled.

The right translation service can help business owners of all types save a great deal in overhead expenditure as they expand their reach and are able to more effectively communicate with existing and potential clients. Words can be a powerful tool for any business and it’s important that you are able to use words in the way you mean them; in any language.

Many in the entrepreneur sectors have found that with the right translation services they can start reaching this 30% of the population with ease; meaning more potential revenue for their business. Professional business translation services can provide expert assistance with interviews, meetings, focus groups, and more. Whether you need documents or audio translations, the right service provider can lead to clear, error-free communication between both parties.

In the health field, professional translation services can help healthcare professionals and Spanish speaking individuals in need of professional health care, communicate more effectively. Health care professionals will find it is easier to provide pertinent and properly translated information to their Spanish speaking patients and provide better health care; without interruptions from any language barriers. Spanish speaking patients will also get to benefit from more efficient health care services.  From individual physicians to massive hospitals throughout the United States; many in today’s medical field are turning to professional translation services in order to ensure the betterment of their communities.

As the Hispanic community continues to be the largest and fastest-growing minority community in the United States; it is clear that changes have to be made in order to accommodate their growing presence within the US. While it is not feasible for everyone in the US to learn a second language; turning to professional translation outsourcing will put the entire country one step closer to breaking the language barrier in the United States and helping the country adapt to the growth of the Spanish speaking community.

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Beth Worthy

Beth Worthy is the Cofounder & President of GMR Transcription Services, Inc., a California-based company that has been providing accurate and fast transcription services since 2004. She has enjoyed nearly ten years of success at GMR, playing a pivotal role in the company's growth. Under Beth's leadership, GMR Transcription doubled its sales within two years, earning recognition as one of the OC Business Journal's fastest-growing private companies. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two kids.