For every gallon of gas consumed by an automobile, 19.4 pounds of carbon dioxide are produced and released into the atmosphere. CO2 is considered to be one of the leading factors in the greenhouse effect, which is producing global warming. We at GMR Transcription have developed a business model that makes a commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, and we take pride in the fact that we are a green company.
Our transcriptionists work from home, eliminating the daily commute to the office. The average one-way drive to work in the U. S. is 16 miles, round trip 32 miles. A vehicle with a fuel consumption of 25 miles per gallon releases 124 pounds of CO2 each week. This is representative of the weekly negative impact on the environment of just one employee.
By working at home, our transcriptionists reduce our overall carbon footprint, reduce the consumption of nonrenewable fossil fuels and save money. The burning of fossil fuels last year was a primary contributor to the 30.6 billion tons of CO2 released into the atmosphere. Last year the national average gas price fluctuated from a high of $3.94 to a low of $3.00 per gallon. Using the 25 MPG example above, this is a weekly cost savings of $25.22 to $19.20 and does not include the savings associated with the costs of wear and tear on the vehicle.
As a member of the transcription industry, we are committed to doing our part to help save the environment while continuing to provide quality professional service to our clients. GMR and our employees are proud to say we’ve gone green.
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