Finding out information and checking facts can be a very time consuming process, no matter what the circumstances may be. To seek, gather and collect information quickly and accurately, you may need to hire a private detective. Also known as a private investigator or PI, these private citizens have an exciting career that includes working for insurance companies, spouses and lawyers in criminal and civil cases.
Although the role is often described as "glamorous" it can be difficult. A PI will work on a broad spectrum of cases, from fraud and compensation claims to insurance investigations and workplace issues. Much of a private investigator's time is spent conducting interviews. To do this with complete veracity, he/she may need to use transcription services.
Private investigator and insurance transcription industries often go hand-in-hand, and individuals who are required to take several witness statements, dictate summary reports and edit reports can benefit from transcription in the following ways:
Read Also: How Transcription Services Help in Fraud Investigations
Get Quality Transcripts With A 99% Accuracy Guarantee.
1. Accuracy - Attention can be distracted from recordings if there are disruptions, but a professional can guarantee the utmost accuracy.
2. Time-Saving - It could take private investigators days or weeks to transcribe interviews, but with transcription services, they can spend time more productively.
3. Unnecessary Content - Intelligent and verbatim are the two main types of transcription services. Coughs, sniffs, mumbles, and other unnecessary content can be eliminated with transcription of this kind.
4. Client Confidentiality - Court surveillance recordings and witness statements could fall into the wrong hands. When a private detective uses transcription services, he/she can feel confident that data is always protected.
5. Court-Ready Documents - Evidence must be presented in court cases, and a PI can use transcription services to provide the courts with a court-ready audio recording transcription.
As a private detective, it's a good idea to conduct research and find someone who you can outsource work to, instead of paying a lot of money to transcribe audio files. Whether interviews are conducted in person or over the phone, information must be precise due to the fact that investigations tend to culminate in court.
Also Read: How Transcription Services Help in Fraud Investigations