Top 7 Hybrid Learning Challenges for Students and Possible Solutions

Top 7 Hybrid Learning Challenges for Students and Possible Solutions

Beth Worthy


The restrictions related to COVID-19 caused many activities to go online. Even though the restrictions are no longer in effect in most jurisdictions in the US, many people still prefer online to in-person activities.

In the academia space, for instance, more than 80% of students prefer the hybrid mode. Consequently, experts project that between 2020 and 2025, the hybrid learning market will increase by 200%.

While the pandemic proved that hybrid learning is possible, this mode of learning still has its drawbacks. 

Let’s take a look at some common challenges the hybrid learning model is facing, as well as their possible solutions.

What Is Hybrid Learning?

Hybrid learning refers to a learning mode in which students participate in both classroom and online learning.

If, let’s say, the number of contact hours is ten every week, students can attend six hours online and meet in person for the remaining four hours.

Hybrid learning is especially suitable for students who have other commitments, such as day jobs and young children to look after. Students in these categories can balance studies and other life commitments.

7 Common Hybrid Learning Challenges for Students

It is worth noting that hybrid learning is helpful for any student who cannot attend classes physically at all times. The bad news is that it comes with the following challenges: 

1. Technical Hitches 

Even in 2023, the internet is still not the most convenient mode of communication and learning, especially verbally. Students will experience technical issues such as slow internet, lagging, and poor sound.

Some students may not even have access to the digital devices needed for remote learning. Such issues must be out of the picture for a successful remote class. 

2. Poor Learner Engagement 

Research shows that there is poor student engagement in online learning. This is due to issues such as distractions from family members, uncomfortable learning environments, temptations to use social media, and a lack of accountability.

For instance, a student attending an online class from their bedroom can use their phones whenever they want.

Also, attending a class from bed makes a student vulnerable to sleep. Such issues make it difficult for teachers to keep students engaged for the entire learning session.

This is unlike a classroom setup where students have to follow some rules, which may include not using phones during lectures or not falling asleep.

3. Poor Retention

Due to poor engagement, students in hybrid learning also find it challenging to retain content learned online.

While in-person classes can help, they aren't sufficient to cover all the content. Poor retention is also owed to the fact that remote learners have to put in the individual effort to focus during classes.

Since there's likely no one to hold them accountable, most learners lose focus and engage in other activities.

Some students may find it challenging to retain the content due to distractions and network problems that make them lose focus.  

4. Constant Distractions

As mentioned earlier, distractions are the biggest challenge in remote learning. This is mainly for learners juggling studying, working, and caregiving.

Some potential distractions are kids playing around your study area, your boss giving you a task in the middle of an online class, and notifications popping up on social media.

5. Poor Attendance

While hybrid learning may seem the easiest option for a busy person, it doesn't guarantee 100 percent attendance.

For instance, digital devices on a low battery can cause a student to miss class if they can't access electricity or even a charger.

Attending in-person sessions may also be challenging for a student juggling several commitments.

For example, a learner may have to run an errand for their employer during an in-person learning session, meaning they'll have to miss class. 

6. Requires Good Organization Skills

Hybrid learning only favors students that have good reading skills. This is because much of the instruction is done over the internet.

Poor reading skills may cause students to misunderstand or overlook assignments. 

7. Requires Good Time-Management Skills

Since most of the assignments in hybrid learning are done over the internet, a student must have good typing skills. Fast typing, for example, can allow a student to complete assignments on time.
Those who can't type fast will likely hand in their assignments late and fail to achieve the course's objectives. 

Importance of Transcription in Hybrid Learning

Hybrid learning poses challenges to both learners and teachers, and academic transcription services can help overcome them. Transcription involves converting an audio or video file into a text document. This can be helpful in a number of ways.

Firstly, transcription creates a text document from your online class session. This document is essential for future reference, such that if there's anything a student didn't capture in the online class, they can access it later. 

Secondly, students who miss sessions can refer to the transcript and get the information taught.

Also, students with disabilities such as hearing impairment can understand lectures converted to text. Compared to listening to an online lecture amid network issues, it is easier to read a transcribed one.

This also improves the comprehension and retention rate. Students can also focus on reading a written document rather than an online lecture.

Even better, you can have your transcripts translated into the language of your choice for a more satisfying learning experience. It is also possible to record in-person classes and have them transcribed later.

Final Words

Clearly, there are many hybrid learning challenges for students. While it may be difficult to eliminate these challenges, students can still get the most out of hybrid learning by using transcription services. This way, you can have a text file for each online lecture for future reference and easy retention.

At GMR Transcription Services, Inc., we have a team consisting of 100% US-based human transcriptionists that guarantee 99% accuracy on all your transcripts.

With our several transcription services, including video, audio, handwritten notes to searchable & editable text, and academic transcription, you can bring the best out of your learning. Register today, and let's make your hybrid learning experience worthwhile.

Read Also: How to Develop Localization-Friendly E-Learning Courses

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Beth Worthy

Beth Worthy is the Cofounder & President of GMR Transcription Services, Inc., a California-based company that has been providing accurate and fast transcription services since 2004. She has enjoyed nearly ten years of success at GMR, playing a pivotal role in the company's growth. Under Beth's leadership, GMR Transcription doubled its sales within two years, earning recognition as one of the OC Business Journal's fastest-growing private companies. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two kids.