Freelance transcription work is becoming increasingly attractive for people pursuing legitimate work-at-home opportunities. As the field grows more competitive however, it's important for you to keep improving your craft and adding more value to your work. Here are ways to ensure that a transcription job becomes a rewarding and stable career.
How to Approach Freelance Work
Part of why more and more people are gravitating towards transcription work is that it allows you to be your own boss and set your own schedule. These days the 9-5 office job at a big corporation under several management layers does not appeal much to many young people who are more inspired by the spirit of entrepreneurship. But in order to develop steady freelance transcription work, you need to set the following goals for yourself:
1. Choose a Specific Niche
2. Pursue the Necessary Training to Become Established in Your Niche
3. Build a Track Record With Credible Clients
4. Use Your Experience and Reputation to Expand Your Client Base
5. Promote Your Skills Through Your Website, Social Media and Other Resources
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What to Expect as a Transcriptionist
There are various types of freelance transcription niches such as working for general, media and legal organizations. Much of the work for any of these niches can be done at home on a computer and in many cases, using recording equipment. In the case of general transcription, the job involves you wearing headphones and working with file synchronization software such as Sugar Sync, which allows you to copy audio or text files to your computer.
Then you listen to the audio of your clients or read the text provided and begin taking notes on what you hear or read. You may need to consult specific guides as you transcribe to decipher particular jargon. You may also need to use video chat software to interact directly with the clients.
It's important to remember your transcriptions must be very accurate since many professionals have little tolerance for errors. The more advanced you become at using communication tools, transcribing accurately, generating transcribed reports and meeting deadlines, the more likely companies and clients will want to hire you.
Looking for freelance transcription jobs? See if you are a good fit for GMR Transcription. Do check out our career page for more information.