For Me, Transcription is Freedom.

For Me, Transcription is Freedom.

Beth Worthy


I began my career as a transcriptionist when I was looking for a way to slightly increase my cash flow, and I never expected that it would actually turn into my primary career. I was already a very good typist, and I was looking for something where I could set my own hours. I’ve always been self motivated, and I’m pretty good about sticking to schedules that I set for myself. All of these factors combined to make transcription a natural choice for the skills that I possess.

Over time, I found that I was really enjoying the work. Some of the jobs that I’ve had to transcribe have been completely fascinating. I love to learn, and this job has exposed me to things that I never would have thought to seek out on my own to learn about. Some of these things have been so fascinating to me that I’ve actually sought out more information on a variety of subjects, and I feel that this has made me a more well rounded person – as well as a formidable opponent in trivia games!

But the biggest thing that this career has given me is freedom. When faced with a very sick parent, I was able to schedule my work load so that I could continue to work while caring for her. I was able to be with her on days that she was having surgery, and I was able to go with her to doctor’s appointments. I would never have been able to do that in a work situation with a rigid schedule.

Likewise, when I found myself in a long distance relationship, my ability to set my own schedule has been invaluable. I am easily able to schedule my work around my travel days. If I know that I want to take a couple of days off, I can put in more hours to allow for that. That freedom allowed me to pursue a relationship that I normally wouldn’t have been able to – and since I’m newly married to the man in question, it makes me very happy indeed that I was able to do so!

Transcription has been a great fit for me on so many levels, and I feel lucky that I went down this path.

Also Read: Transcriptionists Are Not Decoders

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Beth Worthy

Beth Worthy is the Cofounder & President of GMR Transcription Services, Inc., a California-based company that has been providing accurate and fast transcription services since 2004. She has enjoyed nearly ten years of success at GMR, playing a pivotal role in the company's growth. Under Beth's leadership, GMR Transcription doubled its sales within two years, earning recognition as one of the OC Business Journal's fastest-growing private companies. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two kids.