Why do you need a podcast transcription if you have the audio? This goes against the whole foundation of podcasting as an audio medium, but this is the age of giving the consumer the convenience what they want, before they move to somewhere else. Is your goal to be an audio purist or want your content be there in the website, so that everybody can read them? Transcription of your podcast would increase your audience many a times.
There are a few reasons for transcribing your podcast.
Having decided that transcribing your podcast is a good idea, what else you need to consider? You need to decide what type of transcript would be suitable. In the transcription industry, there are generally three styles available. Complete verbatim, intelligent verbatim and edited transcript. The most popular choice for podcasts is intelligent verbatim.
Once you have decided on the type of transcript you need, it may also be useful to consider transcription times-how long it will actually take to transcribe your podcast. Again, it also depends on how clear the recording is.